Quantum Editions Publishing was founded in 1994 and published its first book that same year.  Quantum Editions is a registered International Publication and Literary Service with R.R Bowker and Company, the leading international publisher registrar, and with Books in Print as well as the Library of Congress.

Quantum Editions is a worldwide book publication and electronic book distributor.   We publish books by a wide range of authors, receive manuscripts for review for other publishing enterprises,offer a range of professional editing services, and new author’s professional literary counseling.  Because we make it our business to monitor and keep track of the dynamic and ever-changing face of publishing, we also counsel many established writers in the brave new world of publishing.

Since our founding we have worked with a number of talented writers including bestselling authors who are well known in their respective genres, as well as authors just entering the marketplace.  Our books are included in a very wide range of international book selling venues and enjoy wide and diverse audiences.  Our books are also found in the largest book cataloguing service in the world, Ingram and Company, as well as the current Books In Print Catalogue.

Our quality products include hard and soft cover books and a remarkably wide range of electronic publication formats.  Quantum Edition publications are found either on the shelves or in the catalogues of nearly every brick and mortar bookstore in the world.

As of this time, we do not accept unsolicited manuscripts over the transom.  Interested authors should send a very brief email for consideration of publication, inquiries about our editing services or other publishing counsel which are billed at industry standard rates.

For all inquiries, please contact us at:    quantumeditions@gmail.com