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Into the life of an immortal voyager on the ever shifting seas of time, came a sudden and startling transformation in his well-ordered existence.  Through the treacherous mists of an ancient jungle appeared the bewildering presence of a young shipwrecked boy.  The lad’s unexpected arrival was just simply not even a fragment of his plan.  He was not a part of anything Sir John Kyndolyn, Lord of Lochtrace, had ever imagined.  In a single moment in time – in the mere blink of a human eye - the boy changed his eternal existence and everything in it. 

The Lord of Time was many centuries old when he rescued young Kristian Skylar out of the hands of cannibals, having been washed up as a castaway on a beach of eastern Borneo in the year 1432.  But the world of the voyagers of time was far different than the world of men.  The spoken word was revered and deeply esteemed as ultimately powerful.   Thus with but a whisper in a single, crucial moment, Lord Kyndolyn voiced the few words that would lock them both together in a struggle that would release the forces of time, space and long hidden realms against them both. 

They would race together against the tides of epochal  history as the time voyager and the boy struggled to keep from being totally consumed by the breathtaking sovereignty of the words of the Lord of Lochtrace.   Together they would either find the answer hidden somewhere in time or together they would die, consumed by the power of Lord Kyndolyn’s promise itself.