I write because I must write.
I literally have no other choice.
Oh, I do
truly enjoy writing more than anything else - except perhaps
exploring, and that is actually quite fortunate since I have this tiny
gun to my head that gives me no choice but to sit down and just write,
dammit -
just write… And how does this happen and why is the gun so minuscule?
You see,
it is an invisible little genetic gun that has been
hard-wired-locked-and-loaded into my inner brain since birth. I write
because I
must - just like some people must eat. And like most people very much
their food, I likewise very much enjoy satisfying the instinct to
write. But, if I slack off, the boorish little bastard even threatens
me -
“Write - if you ever want to have another thought about exploring
again.” That is the abridged story of my life - pun entirely intended.
I wrote my first novelette in the fourth grade and since have had this endless parade of stories floating through my head that never seem to end. I published my first article in a computer magazine in 1981 and after nearly 100 others in the poplar press and scientific journals, I finally saw my first book - a novel - published in 1994. Since then, I have authored an ever increasing number of books in three genres - science fact, science fiction - action adventure and a set of books devoted to spiritual growth called the “Children of God Series”. Today I am a retired, a career nuclear engineer and NASA space life scientist - bioengineer who spent three unbelievably interesting decades at the John F. Kennedy Space Center. At the bottom of this I have included the details of my career in the traditional back-of-the-book-bio format. But all that stuff aside, I wanted to give you a more personal view of Dennis Chamberland. My wife, Claudia and I have six children between us - five boys and one girl. As of this writing there are seven grandchildren and more on the way. We call two states ‘home’ - one in Florida near the Space Center, of course, and another in the deep Appalachian forests of Tennessee. Our home there is called “Stonebrooke” - quiet, very remote and deliberately hidden. And as many readers astutely observe - it is curious to some than in the 21st century, that a career scientist and engineer is also devoutly spiritually connected. Many do not clearly understand that philosophical blend. But to those of us who are - and I have met many in my professional journey, it is entirely philosophically consistent. Indeed, I cannot imagine trying to truly understand the natural and quantum worlds without the full spectrum of belief systems. But allow me to express myself in the worlds of two of the greatest minds in the history of science, each Nobel Laureates: Albert Einstein famously said, “Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.” And the founder of quantum physics, Max Planck wrote, “There can never be any real opposition between religion and science; for the one is the complement of the other. Every serious and reflective person realizes, I think, that the religious element in his nature must be recognized and cultivated if all the powers of the human soul are to act together in perfect balance and harmony. And indeed, it was not by accident that the greatest thinkers of all ages were deeply religious souls.” But in the quote attributed to me, I have stated: "I am a scientist. I am an engineer. I am an explorer. I am also a person of faith. They are entirely consistent. Indeed, one cannot exist with full integrity without the other. They build upon one another and make each stronger. Without my faith - the rest would be empty, futile and; in the end, terribly meaningless. And without my science, I would understand nothing of the world I was created to change..." Just like everyone else, I have a wide-ranging mind and vivid imagination. And as a genetically endowed writer, I tend to write it all down - all of it. (Like I have a choice…) Hence, my subject matter covers the length and scope of a very overactive mind. Allow me to describe the general landscape of all my writing projects for you. As a scientist and engineer to the deepest core of my being, I tend to focus on factual subjects and fact-based-novels that are science and engineering friendly. For example, in my science fiction - action adventure novels, I don’t do aliens - like - ever. My stories are all in the ‘hard-science’ range featuring current technology or plausible near-future technology. I have an ongoing series of science
fiction - action adventure novels called
the “Aaron Seven” series. Aaron Seven is the main character, obviously,
a kind
of ‘bad-boy’ genius with a seriously wicked sense of humor in a
dangerous sort
of way.
. |
I never
ever write morality tales into any of my novels. My novels are
for fun only - action adventure type fun. If you want a true, authentic
morality tale, read my Children of God series and you can have them in
But they are not a part of my novels.
One more thought and then I will dump my back-of-the-book bio on you. Except for that genetic gun to my limbic, reptilian brain, I write for a very single-minded purpose - to entertain you - my readers. It is my only job as a writer. If you are not having as much fun reading my books as I have writing them, then I would be quite surprised! My characters are my literary family in every sense of the word - and the world of my characters is my world - for real. Our estate in Tennessee is named Stonebrooke - the opening location of every Aaron Seven novel - is real and is described in detail in every story. So, when you read one of my books - you read between dimensions - one very real and the other just as real in another very close, quantum entangled reality. Please email anytime - I very much love to hear from my readers and, except for whining flamers - I always answer every one! ---------------------
The "Official" Bio DENNIS CHAMBERLAND is an explorer,
author, bio-engineer, award winning nuclear
engineer, space life scientist and aquanaut. Following his role as a
United States
Naval Officer, after graduate studies, he again worked with the Navy as
civilian US Government Nuclear Engineer and was a radiological control
professional for Navy Nuclear submarines.
He is the chief architect, design engineer and builder of several undersea habitats, including NASA’s Scott Carpenter Space Analog Station. Dennis served as the NASA Mission Commander for 14 undersea missions and was the Principal Investigator for the planting and harvesting of the first agricultural crop ever grown in a habitat on the seafloor. Dr. Chamberland is the author of the seminal and visionary work Undersea Colonies and is widely considered the world’s leading professional in permanent undersea colonization. Dennis Chamberland was a design engineer at NASA’s John F. Kennedy Space Center for Advanced Space Life Support Systems being considered for Moon and Mars bases, where he conceived the phrase, and developed the philosophy of, “Resource Recovery” in lieu of Waste Processing, which was adopted across the Space Agency. During this time in his career, he was an active annual participant in presentation of his work at the Princeton Space Studies Institute. During his 30-year distinguished career at NASA, Dennis was privileged to apply his skills to the NASA Safety, as an Operational Safety Specialist for the space shuttle orbiter fleet. While at KSC, Dennis also managed NASA scientific medical and environmental contracts. He also sat as the Chairman of the NASA Kennedy Space Center Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) for 14 years, reviewing during his tenure all vertebrate animal life science payloads flown on shuttle, or by space shuttle to the Russian Mir Space Station, and later to the International Space Station. During his tenure as the Chairman of the KSC IACUC, he acted as a NASA representative on several Agency biomedical ethics review boards. Dennis also published the 1986 groundbreaking cover story on the bioethics of genetic engineering in Christianity Today. He was a Principal Investigator for a landmark scientific study conducted by a team from the John F. Kennedy Space Center, The University of Florida McKnight Brain Institute, Brookhaven National Laboratory and Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory that inquired into the chronic neurological effects of galactic cosmic radiation related to a manned mission to Mars. Dennis also joined a NASA grant team in 2018-2019 to design and build a Mars Colony for the Wings of Eagles Discovery Center near Corning, New York, participating in all phases of the design, construction and implementation. Dr. Chamberland is the 2018 recipient of the prestigious Nuclear Professional of the Year Award from the International Atomic Energy Agency – ISOE North American Technical Center, and is an accomplished, sought-after public speaker as he frequently entertains, surprises and enlightens many diverse groups across the country. Dennis is married to Claudia Schealer Chamberland, has six children and, currently, seven grandchildren. He is the author of over 100 technical and scientific publications as well as an ever growing number of books. Contact the Author at: QuantumEditions@gmail.com