Why the Children of God Series?
Unfortunately, today we live in a world that would make
George Orwell squirm and tremble. As I
write, many have been lulled into a full acceptance of a thought police regime
ruled over by a set of rigid rules established and known as political
correctness. Sadly, it is so powerful
and pervasive that it has permeated and infected science as well. While the robed officials of religion had a
lock on such ideological slavery centuries ago, at least the philosophy of
science came along and corrected some of the madness inflicted by the religious
elite. Were it not for the likes of
Martin Luther who rescued the minds that genuinely sought faith and set
billions of human seekers free from the political taskmasters of the Holy See,
now science is likewise plague-ridden with the same ideological rigidity that
ruined religion. And even more
profoundly sad, even the revolution of Martin Luther has fallen into the same unbending
malaise from which it came. All in all –
we live in a virtual sewer of intellectual freedom and understanding in nearly
every philosophical discipline. Sadly,
many accept it as ‘the norm’. In the
words of Shakespeare’s Prince in Romeo and Juliet, because of our lack of
response and due attention to our intellectual heritage, “All are punished!”
I open this discussion in this way because of the rampant
ignorance of the process of human thought once called “philosophy”. It is rarely taught in schools and
universities that much more resemble trade schools rather than institutes of actual
‘universal’ learning. We have awoken in
the 21st century given over to university graduates who really only
know their narrowly defined trades and little more. It is no wonder that we are so inflicted with
such madness in our culture because so much has been lost and on any given day
we awaken to powerful men and women trying to remake a world with little or no
knowledge of the science and heritage of human thought and who are largely
bereft of all that we have learned in the millennia before.
For example, I am compelled to write this introduction to
these books I have written because in the rather astonishing ignorance of our
day, it is actually considered odd that a scientist would break out of his
narrow line of diurnal employment and dare to speak of the elements of his
faith. The bondage is rigid and freedoms
or real expression without penalty are nearly gone. Further, somehow scientists who are also
outspoken in their faith are considered largely to be ‘non-scientific’ and
therefore do not make the grade of the politically correct thought police. In short – they are mostly shunned. Hence, if a scientist wishes to voice his
faith, he already knows he will likely be unceremoniously rejected. It has happened to me personally and professionally
on several occasions. Each time I am
stunned at the real power manifested by the obliviousness of the act and the
shameless confession of a total disregard for our philosophical heritage. Yes – it actually does have real power. Even ignorance has the capacity to
destroy. Ignorance is the worst
But human power centers typically repeat the destructive
forces that were once released upon them.
For example – when science was in its infancy, the religious often
mercilessly persecuted them. Today
science turns the table on persons of faith.
Just as they were persecuted – now they persecute with the same level of
and degree of ignorance, absolutely confusing their position of political
correctness with actual wisdom and knowledge.
Said Albert Einstein, “Whoever in discussion adduces authority
uses not intellect but memory.”
And thus there is a greater reality to consider. In the end, in the true reality, both science
and all aspects of faith are defined in their totality by philosophical
constructs, period. If both sets of
cheerleaders truly understood this, both groups would have no choice but to
back off and consider their own precarious positions. Both are merely philosophical paradigms and
nothing more. Neither are sacrosanct on
their own. Only actual truth empowers
both. Both define ‘truth’ in a relative
sense – in that the final arbitration of ‘truth’ depends on actual real evidence. Even the Apostle Paul – a man deeply educated
in the classic philosophical arts – conceded that point when he said, “Now faith is… the evidence of things not seen.” Paul here concedes that his faith requires
some kind of evidence, even if it is defined by his faith.
It seems counterintuitive – but it is
not – that ‘real evidence’ in science is even more difficult to come by than in
matters of faith. Indeed, the founders
of modern science ingeniously built that absolute invariant uncertainty into
their philosophic equation. Science is
therefore different than faith in that faith requires absolutes apprehended by
the evidence of faith. In stark
contrast, science allows for continuous change in an evolving pool of evidence
that points toward successively larger truth.
In effect, science is a philosophy constructed to disprove and correct
itself, while ‘religion’ would seem to hang itself on the inevitable snare of
claiming the market on absolute truth. This would seem to be ‘religions’
ultimate downfall and for those who believe this – it certainly is. However, true people of faith understand
quite the opposite comprises the day-to-day reality. They understand that life is a convoluted
journey and if there is any expectation day to day – it is learning from the
past and correcting the course to the very end, just like their scientific
brethren, pointing toward a successively larger truth. In Christianity this process is called
One of the most influential men of faith in human history
– was also one of its most respected scientists. Sir Isaac Newton said, as he walked his
pathway to eternity, “I don't know what I may seem to the world, but as to
myself, I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the sea-shore and
diverting myself in now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell
than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me.”
This genius in every sense realized that his path both as
a scientist and a man of the deepest kind of faith, was one of constant
learning and that the wealth of knowledge available to him was so vast that he would
never grasp its fullest extent, much less claim any mastery of it at all.
A good example of how the toxic effects of know-all-things
hubris comes into play in both philosophies is over the understanding of ‘evolution’. Science makes the astonishingly outrageous
claim that the process of evolution of the species is not only fully understood
- but settled. Forget the fact that no
living scientist can even begin to describe in any detail the most basic
biochemical process of this in the sub-nuclear regions in which it actually takes
place. It is as though they have seen
the Hobbit series so many times, they have finally declared it a documentary. And on the other side, ‘religion’ makes the
equally astonishing counter claim that ‘evolution’ is a fairy tale. Forget the fact that the ongoing process of biological
evolution of viral species is so settled that these species’ evolutionary changes
are actually mapped at the genetic level.
It is as though the religious zealots have thus declared the earth is
flat - and never mind the maps! Both
sides are actually arrogant enough to have claimed absolute superiority of knowledge
and cornered a truth that has never existed.
Worse still – they teach their adherents their own version of the same worn
out fabrications dressed in their individual half-witted brand of counterfeit philosophies. And their adherents dully nod, jot it perpetually
in their thoughts and without deliberately seeking out the inevitable flaws for
themselves and then blithely move on having been tattooed with yet another infrangible
It occurs to me that the humility of Isaac Newton was
ensured by his actual grasp of his carefully understood limits of his
philosophical whole. Isaac Newton was
quite at home in his world embracing both science and faith even on a limited
basis – because to him, they were both conjoined in a broad reaching philosophical
whole that defined exactly who he was and specifically identified his role and
ultimate purpose in it all. It actually
functioned quite well despite his politically incorrect confession of a lack of
total universal knowledge of all things.
They were not only totally compatible but also synergistic. The fact that Isaac Newton was a world class
scientist also made him a more powerful man of faith – and likewise, the fact
that he was a profoundly strong of man of faith – made him a more powerful and competent
This all came together in him because, in part, he had a comprehensive
education and knowledge of the process of human thought – at that time taught
as preeminent essential disciplines in all universities of higher
knowledge. Indeed, one could not call
oneself educated without that in-depth knowledge. Hence, the highest education degrees
conferred then and today are called, “PhD” or – “Doctor of Philosophy”.
And so it is as I write and publish these works as a
scientist, engineer and man of faith – I do so completely at ease with who I am
and the ultimate consistency of my deepest philosophy of being.
As you read these works, please be aware that I do not
fit into anyone’s box by design. I can
say that I am a Christian, and that is all.
I claim no denomination as my own.
In fact, these books are all about freedom from titles and denominations
and every doctrine of bondage, both scientific and religious. I share these works with you so that you can consider
your own freedom: free from the
self-appointed religious authorities, from the high priests of science, from
the thought police and the politically correct world that enslaves so many. And as you read, read carefully and compare
the dates and see how my own journey has evolved over the years.
I am a scientist. I am an engineer. I am an
explorer. I am also a person of faith. They are entirely
consistent. Indeed, one cannot exist
with full integrity without the other. They
build upon one another and make each stronger. Without my faith - the
rest would be empty, futile and; in the end, terribly meaningless. And without my science, I would understand
nothing of the world I was created to change.
And so I leave you with this thought my dear reader –
leave this page in freedom, leave in peace and leave with a mind that you
belong only to your Creator and no other human has a claim on you or your thoughts
whatever direction they choose to take you.
Free your mind, free yourself, and thus fulfill your destiny.
Dennis Chamberland
Copyright (c) 2013 by Dennis Chamberland. All rights reserved.